Moving from Twitter to Mastodon

I’ll be honest: I don’t fully know what I’m doing, bailing on Twitter and moving to Mastodon, except that it feels like the right thing to do, and it definitely feels like the right time to do it.

I’ve heard here and there that Mastodon is a “different” social experience from Twitter, and I haven’t fully taken the time to learn how — but the thought of continuing to hang around on Twitter, with Musk at the helm now and Trump reinstated (not to mention all the noise, ads, and constant self-promotion — not my thing), just makes me feel rather sick inside. It just doesn’t feel great to hang out there right now. So like Facebook in 2008, it’s probably a good time to step out for a while.

So far, Mastodon looks like an interesting experiment — and if the influx of new users over the weekend is any guide, the experiment might actually be working. Most of the people I follow on Twitter are already there, which certainly doesn’t hurt. And I love the open and distributed nature of Mastodon, too. Kris @nova and her colleagues have done an amazing job setting up hachyderm and defining the guidelines for the community, and I must say, it’s hard not to love the official Don’t be a Dick policy, which I’m hoping will shut down at least a few of the insufferable loudmouths I’ve had to endure on Twitter in recent months. So I’m excited, to say the least. Fingers crossed — we’ll see how this goes.

Oh! And here’s where you’ll find me:

Update: I’m still on Mastodon, but have returned somewhat to Twitter (which I’ll always call Twitter), because, well, for better or worse, that where all my humans still are.