About Me

Hi! I’m Christian Nunciato. I’m live in Seattle (well, actually just outside Seattle) and based solely on number-of-hours-logged, you could say I’m a dad, programmer, photographer, writer and occasional maker of silly little movies. By day, I work at an awesome little startup called Pulumi. By night, owing mainly to my dadness, I sleep.

This site is still fairly new, so there isn’t all that much to say about what it is yet, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’ll probably consist mostly of pictures (I take a lot of pictures), videos (I shoot a lot of those, too) and a few words from time to time, mostly on non-technical subjects, much of which you probably won’t find all that interesting. (But of course, I hope you do.)

For the geeky among you, this site is built with Hugo, the static-site generator, and it’s deployed to the AWS cloud with Pulumi. The admittedly minimal design is my own, hand-crafted of course, with good ol’ HTML, CSS (well, Sass, and a little help from the excellent TailwindCSS), and a handful of web components built with Stencil.

Thanks for stopping by. You’ll also find me on Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Vimeo, GitHub, CodePen, LinkedIn, and at chris@nunciato.org. Feel free to reach out anytime. 👋


The Pulumi Book (In progress, ~40% complete)


CascadiaJS: Programming the Cloud with JavaScript (November 2019)


JavaScript Jabber: Infrastructure as Code with Aimee Knight and AJ ONeal (January, 2021)

The Weekly Squeak: Pulumi in Action with Chris Chinchilla (September, 2020)

CloudSkills.fm: Pulumi in Action with Mike Pfeiffer (August, 2020)